"The Harimaya Bridge" tells the story of an American father who travels to rural Japan after his estranged son is killed in an unfortunate accident. In doing so, he confronts his own prejudice about Japan seeing the lives his son has touched and learns a secret about his son's life as well.
Aaron always spoke favorably of the Disney Screenwriting Fellowship. Filmmaking is a long, hard and arduous process. You need need all the help you can get and you take it whenever and whereever you can. The fellowship presented opportunities Aaron was able to maximize in making his vision come to life.
(left to right, The Harimaya Bridge stars: Ben Guillory, Saki Takaoka, Danny Glover and writer/ director Aaron Woolfolk)
On learning the art, the business, meeting people within the industry, within the DSF, Aaron noted, "All of those things influenced me as I took "The Harimaya Bridge" from simply being a well-written script to being a viable project that people were willing to invest in.